The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

@" a mediocre exploration/puzzle game that barely has any shooting at all."

come back and make a comment once you've played tomb raider.

5012d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You have to pay to play the most popular video game ever released, and it is on the PC. You actually have to pay a lot more for that than you do for XBL, and that's just one game.

5012d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not that M$ has never stolen anything because they obviously have, but bing is a horrible example.

Bing is just a re-branding of MSN Search/Live Search, which has been around since google started (both started in 1998). Yahoo was ahead of both, but they were all released during a time when there were more search engines than cards in a poker deck.

5012d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sure they get by just fine, because the only people that think IGN is biased are on this website.

5013d ago 4 agree28 disagreeView comment

I feel like not many of you watched the video. The reason it's epic fail isn't because they broke in, it's because of how many stupid errors there were that let them do it.

The last one especially that gave them a private key was absolutely retarded in large part because they can't just patch out private keys. If they do that they'll completely break existing systems just because they didn't seed their random numbers.

5013d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

@"but the biggest hackers community in gaming is the one who works for piracy."

that's not true. Most of the console hackers (read the people who develop the hacks, not the people who use them) just want homebrew. They explain it in the talk. None of the people involved with failoverflow were concerned with the PS3 until they removed linux, and a year later their team has a private key.

The only reason you think pirates make up the majority is b...

5013d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not that big an issue. People just don't remember that when a game used to be buggy it stayed buggy. Now a buggy game can be fixed to actually being decent instead of being a good game that's just unplayable.

If you look at it from the development side, you will either get less content and no patches (to release an immaculate shippable build), or you will get a game that needs patches down the road. There's even good games that get patched now anyway. If ...

5017d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The terms of service are not above the law, that clause is illegal.""

that explains why Sony won the case and PSJailbreak lost I guess...

5028d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

they just bought id... they'd probably just use idtech 5.

5031d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dunno. Half of the stuff that makes TES good translates very well to MMOs.

And in the next two years would be a great time to drop a new MMO. WoW is really starting to look dated, and people will be looking for the next big thing to hop into.

5031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

darkride don't play the modesty card now. We all know if the PS3 sold better than the 360 you'd be in here doing the exact same thing just like you've done before.

5034d ago 16 agree13 disagreeView comment

did yall read the article? They're turning it into skate snowboarding edition all on a mountain. the cities/arena and the preposterous non realistic tricks were the best part about SSX! Totally gonna ruin the game if true.

5036d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you try copy and pasting an 8-16 hour story into a 1.5 hour movie.

they could do like tomb raider and make whole new stories for it in the same universe(best way), but the tomb raider movies weren't that good so dunno about that.

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it doesn't mean that. There have been casual games on every platform since the atari. Did that stop hardcore games from coming out?

5037d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

landing on top of cars and staying on top of cars at speeds over 150 mph are two completely different things.

5037d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like others have said. Blizzard does deserve royalties just like the NFL, MLB, NBA, and FIFA get royalties for people airing their stuff without their permission.

5037d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

would be awesome if they had the same camera angles as top gear.

5038d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

november 2011? o.O

Probably october. Can't see them launching this game too long before the holiday. Wouldn't make sense really.

5038d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

why do you assume fun games are shovelware? Just because your concept of hardcore games (shooters and action games) doesn't necessarily fit games that adapt well to kinect, why does that mean other genres wouldn't?

I'd be extremely excited to play a kinect enabled RTS.

I think almost all kinect games will suck till kinect 2.0 (higher res IR camera and processor onboard would have made a monumental difference), but I can see tons of places where ki...

5038d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes they are.

5039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment